Do(s)/Okay Things !!

- DO use tone tags/indicators whilst talking to me :) (it really helps when talking to me and i'd appreciate it :3)
- DO correct me if i say something that is incorrect. (i apologize as i may not be well educated or haven't been educated by a reliable source :c)
- DO rant/vent to me. (i am okay with being ranted/vented to if you ask me before hand c:)
- DO reach out to me if you are looking to be my friend and/or wanting another friend :) (i personally would appreciate some more friends tbh CCC:)
- DO respect me and my opinions and privacy and i will do the same.
- DO express your interests to me as i do not judge and am willing to learn about more stuff!! /pos :)))
- DO look at my DNI and BYF on my main carrd to learn more :))

Don't(s)/Not Okay !!

- DON'T be homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, racist, anti-mogai, anti-agereg/cglreg/petreg or anything of the sort.
- DON'T bully me about things i enjoy, if i'm not being toxic about it then there should be no issue. (its basic knowledge not to bully anyone period.)
- DON'T trauma dump to me (i'm not your fucking personal therapist.)
- DON'T ask me personal questions unless i say i'm comfortable with asking. (again, basic knowledge.)
- DON'T baby me negatively /srs (im okay being babied while it being positive and only by close friends or ppl i say i'm okay with it.)
- DON'T sexualize me. (again. basic-fucking-knowledge that any normal human should be able to comprehend.)